List of all Iphone and Blackberry Development codes in a one click Iphone,objective C,xcode,blackberry Development,iOS Development

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Image Animation in Blackberry (using a series of images)

final Bitmap image000 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("1.png");
final Bitmap image001 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("2.png");
final Bitmap image002 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("3.png");
final Bitmap image003 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("4.png");
final Bitmap image004 =Bitmap.getBitmapResource("5.png");
final Bitmap image005 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("6.png");
final Bitmap image006 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("7.png");
final Bitmap image007 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("8.png");
final Bitmap image008 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("9.png");
final Bitmap image009 =Bitmap.getBitmapResource("10.png");
final Bitmap image010 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("11.png");
final Bitmap image011 =Bitmap.getBitmapResource("12.png");
final BitmapField animationField = new BitmapField(image000);
int counter=0;
Timer animationTimer = new Timer();
TimerTask animationTask;

animationTask = new TimerTask() {

public void run() { if(counter == 0){

animationField.setBitmap(image000); }

if(counter == 1){ animationField.setBitmap(image001); }
if(counter == 2){ animationField.setBitmap(image002); }
if(counter == 3){ animationField.setBitmap(image003); }
if(counter == 4){ animationField.setBitmap(image004); }
if(counter == 5){ animationField.setBitmap(image005); }
if(counter == 6){ animationField.setBitmap(image006); }
if(counter == 7){ animationField.setBitmap(image007); }
if(counter == 8){ animationField.setBitmap(image008); }
if(counter == 9){ animationField.setBitmap(image009); }
if(counter == 10){ animationField.setBitmap(image010); }
if(counter == 11){ animationField.setBitmap(image011);
counter = -1; } counter++;

 } };

animationTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(animationTask, 0, 100);

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